English Dictionary

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 instantly instantly /ˈɪnstəntli/


  1. () Without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening  ( like a shot [Informal] , straight off , right off the bat [Informal, N. American] , tout de suite , forthwith , straightaway , directly , now , instantly , right away , at once , immediately )
    without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening
     He answered immediately
    he answered immediately
     Found an answer straightaway
    found an answer straightaway
     An official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith
    an official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith
     Come here now!
    Come here now!
  2. () Without any delay  ( in a flash , instantaneously , outright , instantly )
    without any delay
     He was killed outright
    he was killed outright